Tallahassee (850) 519-5494

What is a Registered Agent?

If you need to serve process on a business in Florida, you may have heard the term “registered agent”. For certain business types, the service of process must be first attempted with their designated registered agent. In this post, we’ll explain what a registered agent is, which businesses must be served via their registered agent, and where to go to get help serving a registered agent in Tallahassee.

Definition of a Registered Agent

According to Chapter 607 of the Florida Business Corporation Act, a registered agent for a Florida business must be:

  1. An individual who resides in this state whose business address is identical to the address of the registered office;
  2. Another domestic entity that is an authorized entity and whose business address is identical to the address of the registered office; or
  3. A foreign entity authorized to transact business in this state which is an authorized entity and whose business address is identical to the address of the registered office.

The registered agent is responsible for receiving all official paperwork and correspondence for the company, including legal process.

Businesses That Must Designate a Registered Agent

Not all businesses in Florida must designate a registered agent, but most do. All corporations, limited liability companies (LLC), and limited partnerships that are organized in Florida or organized in another state, territory, or country that conducts business in Florida. This includes entities that own real estate in Florida or own a mortgage on Florida real estate. Certain municipal corporations and public agencies must also designate a registered agent.

If a business has a designated registered agent, they should always be the first point of contact for all service of process attempts on that business.

Do You Need to Serve Process to a Registered Agent in Florida?

If you’re in Tallahassee and need to serve process on a business with a designated registered agent, you’ll need a process server with the expertise to find the right person to serve. Registered agents aren’t always named individuals – they can sometimes be other companies. When this is the case, it can be difficult to figure out who is the correct person to serve. By trusting your process service needs to Accurate Serve® of Tally, you won’t have to worry about your process being served to the wrong person. Give us a call at 850-519-5494 or send us a work request online to start working with the best process service team in Florida’s capital city.

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