Tallahassee (850) 519-5494

Serving Papers to a Celebrity

process server 3That feeling when you’re about to serve papers to a massive celebrity.

You know the feeling: Knees weak. Arms are heavy. Vomit on our sweaters already. Mom’s spaghetti.  Okay those are Eminem lyrics but he perfectly captures how we felt when serving The Celebrity Who Shall Not Be Named. In order to get to the nauseous place though, we had to jump through some hoops.

The fame-oid did not  want to be served. Really, who does? It’s not ice cream serving, It’s process serving. People avoid us! It happens everyday. But this person was especially tricky. Many different home addresses were tried and denied. Same with business addresses. Tried and denied. We were going to have to get creative. So we took a break from channeling our creativity into our art therapy courses and put it to work on the job.

We needed to get into the mind of The Celebrity Who Shall Not Be Named. So, in a flash of inspiration, we began ceaselessly checking Instagram. Geo-tagging is so hot right now and soon enough, we had this person’s location. We contacted our counterparts in the area and they scooted right over for the insta-serve. Palms sweating the whole time.

In conclusion, #Fortitude.

It’s the stuff of champions and Accurate Serve process servers.

P.S. Also #Ingenuity. Also, we love our jobs. So much. It’s kind of weird.

We are here to serve

If you require service of process in Tampa, contact us today to learn how we can help.

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